Name: Pr0c3ss
Serial: S7726-3964-CP36-31DB-6DDD
1 ) Choose you Windows install version
- Vista, 7 InstallBSR_v5Vista7.exe ( VISTA / 7 / 2008 / 2003 )
For Windows 7 (x32 & x64), Windows VISTA (x32 & x64), 2008, 2003, XP 64 bit
- XP InstallBSR_v5XP.exe ( XP / Me / NT / 2000 )
For Windows XP, Me, NT, 2000
2) Install and at the screen with the "Enter Lincense Key" button on the bottom left, Click it
3) Enter Name & Serial above (Copy/Paste) <OK> 2 check marks will appear and "Trial" will disappear
Finish Installation & Enjoy